22 Concentration of a Solution
*use a peice of looseleaf to do these questions on

Use concentration as a conversion factor to calculate the quatitu requested in each question below. communicate your problem-solving approach, including units and correct certianty. (SD)

1. Cow's milk contains 4.5 g of lactose per 100 mL milk. What mass of lactose is present in 250ml (one cup) of milk?

2. A 10% W/V salt solution is used for making pickles. What mass of salt is present in 750 mL of this solution.

3. A 250 mL measuring cup of cleaning solution contains 1.2 mol of dissolved ammonia. What is the molar concentration of this solution?

4. Fish require a concentration of about 4.5 mg/L of dissolved oxygen in water. what colume of water woudl contain 100 mg of oxygen?

5. What volume of concentrated, 14.6 mol/L, phosphoric acid would contain 2.00 mol of solute?

6. Hard water contains at least 120 ppm of dissolved minerals. If 2.0 L of hard water in a kettle is boiled to dryness, what mass of minerals would be obtained? (120ppm = 120 mg /1 L)

7. What ammount of table salt is needed to prepare 12.0 L of a 5.20 mol/L solution?

8. A laboratory solution of zinc nitrate is labelled 24.0 mmol/L. what colume of this solution would contain 0.600 mol of solute?

23 (Enrichment) Concentration of a Solution

Modren analytical chemistry uses some sophisticated tehcnology to detect incredibly small quatities of substances. Chemical analysis is approaching on part per trillion concentrations. (The SI prefixes used in this exercise include nano (n) 10^-9, pico (p) 10^-12, femto (f) 10^-15, and atto (a) 10^-18)

1. An ICP ( inductively coupled plasma technology) vaporizes a small sample which is then analyzed by a mass spectrometer. The detection limit for lead using this method is 0.05 ng/mL.

a) What is the detection limit for lead in ppb?

b) What volume of solution would contain 1.0 g of lead?

2.  A laser-based microchemical analysis has a detection limit of 9 x 10^-10 mol/L using a sample colume of 0.2 pL. How many molecules are preasent in this sample?

3. Using a sample colume of 0.2 pL, what molar concentration of solute corresponds to the presence of one molecule?

4. The detection limit for 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones using capillary liquid chromatopraphy is 15 ag in a sample volume of 0.20 pL. convert this limit into a concentration in ppb.

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