Truth Pain and Justice Are One
"How well read he is to reason against Reading"
-William Shakespeare, Love's Labour's Lost
"Every Beginning comes form some other beginnings end"
- some song I heard on the radio the other day
There was a dream once shed upon this world that was of such light such hope, such faith. This dream was watched and nurtured and is beginning to thrive, or so it would seem, but what of this dream? What of the parts that are left in the Shadows, what of the parts that are left behind the curtains of Faith.What about the inequalities of the rich and the poor?
I have no hope of attending a University without putting myself into extreme finical debt, or maybe if I become a prostitute or stripper or something. We will have to watch and see who the world works for there are many things that are unique about the world in which we live today. One of which is the fact that Education although a necessity is priced as if it were a luxury.
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